Piste RS 3

Helt unik!

kr 13.500,00

Stereo Skis logo

Nyt adrenalinkicket ved å suse nedover bakken med skarpe og lekne svinger. Dette er en responsiv og racing-inspirert modell, takket være den moderne formen og de avanserte materialene. Denne modellen gir en følelse av mestring og letthet i manøvreringen, som sikrer at du føler deg som hjemme i skibakken.

  • Slope
    • en
    • to
    • tre
    • fire
    • fem
  • Freeride
    • en
    • to
    • tre
    • fire
    • fem
  • Touring
    • en
    • to
    • tre
    • fire
    • fem
  • Lightweight
    • en
    • to
    • tre
    • fire
    • fem

Tekniske spesifikasjoner

  • Full Width Titanal Construction
  • Aviation Grade Prepreg Laminates
  • Vulcanized Rubber Dampening
  • Beech / Poplar Wood Core
  • Sandwich Construction
  • Semi-Cap
  • Sintered Race Grade Base
  • Early Rise Tip
  • Centre Camber
Tegning av spesifikasjoner
Størrelse Bredde Svingradius Vekt
183 122-78-107 mm 18,0 m 1850 gr
175 118-76-105 mm 17,2 m 1720 gr
165 117-74-102 mm 15 m 1650 gr

0 anmeldelser for Piste RS 3

  • Christopher

    Ultimate skis for GS fun on firm and fast conditions. Solid🤘🏽

  • Henrik Remlov Sunde

    This is a ski I can recommend for everyone who is into skiing a lot 👍 it is perfect for the slopes 👏👏

  • Harald Chr Strand Nilsen

    Really exited about the skis. They delivered as expected. You feel the quality of the construction as you lay them on the snow. Yet they are lively and responsive when putting some pressure on them. Skis like this should feel calm and powerful, and this really do. The construction gives the torsional stiffness good skiers demand. Absolutely great skis for good skiers. Highly recomended.

  • Vidar Dalsbø

    Tried these at Trysil ski test. Class! My next skies will be either. stockli wrt or Stereo RS, thats how high I rate them.

  • Matt

    From the front rocker, slightly turned up tail and the “wide-narrow” waist you might think this is a ski without an identity. Folks, these are serious skis. They need a bit of speed to really come alive and would much rather be stood on their edges and stepped on than skidded around in a lazy manner. They kind of remind me of those electronic ski boot insoles that tell you how you’re skiing. The review that says these are the ultimate skis for a GS racer on his/her day off was spot on.

  • Matthew Somerville

    I am not going to rate this ski, or any ski, perfect; why would they keep working on perfection if it already is? The RS: ROCKS! Smooth, supple, infinitely variable, one can steer these things with just your big toe. Definitely an all piste fun GS style. Confidence inspiring ski at any speed that I found. Stoeckli finally has someone knocking at there door; and that is a very awesome thing.

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